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Some example projects are described below, that represent the span of our work. 

Feeding America Ceres Assistance


If you work for a Feeding America member food bank, and attend any of the Ceres User groups, then you likely heard our voices and saw our smiling faces on video. Sharon, Derek, Andy and Susan are frequent presenters at the Inventory/ Warehouse, Agency Management, Finance and Jet Reports User Groups. Often our role is to share applied uses for the tools and facilitate food bank participation. 

Operations and Technology Consortium

The Operations and  Technology Consortium (OTC) is a food bank affinity group formed back in the mid-2000's by four large Feeding America member food banks. You can learn more about the organization via the OTC Information page.  The organization now has over 30 food bank members and has a three day meeting at a member food bank each year. The SJ Consulting team facilitates the OTC meetings and helps with all the planning and logistics required to keep a group such as this in alignment. 

Project Design and Management for ERP Mergers

Mergers between food banks are not common, but the frequency is increasing as the industry matures. We have helped guide the ERP system consolidation to support two food bank mergers in the last 4 years. If your organization needs this type of assistance, we have the expertise to help. In each case we crafted the plan with the food bank leads, helped identify process differences and guided the teams to a successful system merge.  

Greater Chicago Food Depository Project Coaching 

We really enjoy coaching clients through the entire life cycle of a project. For GCFD, we assisted the key users in determining the most important system selection criteria, through to post launch process coaching. We supplemented the services provided by the ERP and data warehouse/ BI partners.  Our role was assisting the team so they were clear on the Who and When as well as the How of the new system.  10 years later, assisted the team as they launched the next big project in their warehouse. We are thankful for repeated engagements with our food bank clients. 

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